Responsible Tenant Only

Background Check

Unlike some Landlords and Property Management companies, we take into consideration the entire picture and seek to place you or provide appropriate references if we can not accommodate you in a specific location.  At some point, you may find yourself on a more responsible path but it all starts with accepting what has been done and making changes to prevent reoccurrence so this area will be a "thing of the past."

Credit Check

This is a touchy topic. Some remain in a  situation of stagnancy due to fear of simply checking their current credit situation and making the decision to take the necessary steps establish or improve this segment of their lives.  Credit is an ever changing situation; it does not remain the same and there are ways that you can increase your score on your own.  We can refer you to organizations and trusted affiliates that can assist or guide you in this area.  Unfortunately, our society places a major focus on credit, but the first step in "playing" this credit game is to face it, address it by making adjustments and in time,  you will witness changes occurring.  It will always begin with you and what you are willing to actually do on behalf of yourself and your family!

Prior Evictions

All of us have gone through a situation or two in life when things didn't play out as anticipated.  There are different reasons why an eviction may have occurred in our lives; some within our control and others, not.   Be honest and have that discussion and you just never know what the outcome will be for you.  Don't allow past experience or experiences of others to determine your next move; your outcomes  are all unique and your situation, while it may be similar to others' may have a different path.   Your history and your situation is simply independent from anyone else's.  Lighten up; be patient!  You'll see that everything will happen in time.  If you happen to need assistance in any of these categories, simply ask and we can see what resources we have or can refer you to that is closest to matching your needs!